Create a React Project with useDapp

Let's set up a new React project and install dependencies, which we can create within our Hardhat project's folder without much issue. The create-react-app package will create a new frontend directory for us:

npx create-react-app frontend
cd frontend
npm install ethers@5.6.9 @usedapp/core @mui/material @mui/system @emotion/react @emotion/styled

If you remember, Ethers.js is a library that assists with JSON-RPC communication. The useDApp package is a similar library that uses Ethers.js and formats them into React hooks so that they work better in frontend projects. We've also added two MUI packages for styling and components.

Let's set up the App.js file located in the frontend/src directory to add some visual structure:

import { useEthers } from '@usedapp/core';
import { Button, Grid, Card } from '@mui/material';
import { Box } from '@mui/system';

const styles = {
  box: { minHeight: '100vh', backgroundColor: '#1b3864' },
  vh100: { minHeight: '100vh' },
  card: { borderRadius: 4, padding: 4, maxWidth: '550px', width: '100%' },
  alignCenter: { textAlign: 'center' },

function App() {
  return (
    <Box sx={}>
        {/* This is where we'll be putting our functional components! */}

export default App;

You can start the React project by running the following command from within the frontend directory:

npm run start


At this point, you may see a couple compilation warnings, but as we continue to build the DApp, we'll make changes that will resolve the warnings.

Your frontend will be available at localhost:3000.

At this point, our frontend project is set up well enough to start working on the functional code!

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