In this tutorial, we covered a wide range of topics and tools essential for successful DApp development. We started with Hardhat, a powerful development environment that simplifies the process of writing, testing, and deploying smart contracts. Ethers.js, a popular library for interacting with Ethereum nodes, was introduced to manage wallets and transactions.
We delved into the process of writing smart contracts, highlighting best practices and key considerations when developing on-chain logic. The guide then explored useDApp, a React-based framework, for creating a user-friendly frontend. We discussed techniques for reading data from contracts, executing transactions, and working with logs to ensure a seamless user experience.
Of course, there are more advanced (but optional) components of DApps that have popped up over time:
Decentralized storage protocols — systems that store websites and files in a decentralized way
Oracles — third-party services that provide external data to smart contracts within blockchains
Indexing protocols — middleware that processes and organizes blockchain data, allowing it to be efficiently queried
Ref: Jeremy Boetticher
Last updated